Wanted: App for tracking personal Anxiety information…

So I’ve been spending the past few days trying to find an all in one app to track my anxiety levels, contact information for my counsellors, doctors, etc., appointments with said professionals, this blog, links to mental health sites and information, and changes in medications plus reminders for such.

I know, it’s a tall order, but I couldn’t find ANTHING pertinent to tracking important information.  For someone like myself, this stuff is important and when I am having an attack, it would be nice to have access to it all in one place, preferably an app since we all seem to be technologically inclined.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will be eternally grateful.  I have even tried to make one, but when it came time to publishing it, I was scared that I would be putting my personal information out there, and that’s definitely not what I want to do.

Would really like one place to track everything.  Business cards and jots on paper seem to go missing…

p.s. On a good note, I won my appeal with my insurance company!!!  And I am so glad to see recent media coverage on Mental Health issues in the workplace, you may not see physical signs of an illness, but it’s an illness all the same!